Вставьте соответствующий артикль:
1. Albert Einstein was ____ famous scientist.
2. Einstein was born in ____ Germany in 1879. 3. Einstein won ____ Nobel Prize in Physics in
1921. 4. Einstein left his country and lived in ____
States until he died in 1955. 5. Einstein is known
for his theory of ____ relativity. 6. Roentgen was
____ German physicist who discovered X-rays,
revolutionizing medical diagnosis. 7. Roentgen won
____ 1901 Nobel Prize. 8. Mandela was born in ____
South Africa. 9. Mandela was ____ first President
elected in ____ South Africa after apartheid was
revoked. 10. Mandela was imprisoned for ____ nearly
30 years for his anti-apartheid activities.


Ответ дал: sofiamish90
1) a
2) -
3) the
4) the
5) -
6) a
7) in
8) -
9) the; -
10) -
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