Помогите с дз плиз

Задание 1. Раскрыть скобки, используя следующие времена: Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect
1) -What he (to do) now?
-He (to sleep).
2) Nora (to prefer) tea with sugar and lemon.
3) They never (to be) to Berlin.
4) You (to go) to the museum last week?
5) I think we (to visit) our relatives next Sunday.
6) Before John (to go) for a walk with his friends he (to clean) his room.
7) Mary and Jane (not to sing) well. They're not singers.
8) Yesterday my friends (to invite) me to the party.
9) In July we (to go) to the sea. I already (to buy) a new swimsuit.
10) I (to return) home by 6 o'clock on Monday.
Задание 2. Вставить определенный артикль та, где это необходимо
1) Far East
2) Pacific Ocean
3) London
4) Urals
5) Death Valley
6) Russian Federation
7) Lake Baikal
8) Kara-Kum
9) Everest
10) Russia
11) Volga
12) Australia
13) United States of America


Ответ дал: kaminskayanadezhda20


Задание 1

1) -What is he doing now?

-He is sleeping.

2) Nora prefers tea with sugar and lemon.

3) They have never been to Berlin.

4) Did you go to the museum last week?

5) I think we will visit)our relatives next Sunday.

6) Before John went for a walk with his friends he had cleaned his room.

7) Mary and Jane don't sing well. They're not singers.

8) Yesterday my friends invited me to the party.

9) In July we do not go to the sea. I have already bought a new swimsuit.

10) I had returned home by 6 o'clock on Monday.

Задание 2

1) The Far East

2) The Pacific Ocean

3) London

4) The Urals

5) Death Valley

6) The Russian Federation

7) Lake Baikal

8) The Kara-Kum

9) Everest

10) Russia

11) The Volga

12) Australia

13) The United States of America

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