Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени, лице и числе. Переведите предложения на русский
1) Larger schools (to be) better than smaller ones.
2) He (to know) several foreign languages.
3) What you (to do) yesterday?
4) When I (to arrive) the lecture already (to start).
5) You (not/ have) your breakfast yet?
6) Listen! Tom (to play) the piano.
7) Soon we (to live) the school.
8) As a rule I (to go) to my institute by bus.
9) His sister (to go) to the seaside next July


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) Larger schools are better than smaller ones.

2) He knows several foreign languages.

3) What did you do yesterday?

4) When I arrived, the lecture had already started.

5) Have you not had your breakfast yet?

6) Listen! Tom is playing the piano.

7) Soon we will leave the school.

8) As a rule I go to my institute by bus.

9) His sister will go to the seaside next July.

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