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Ответ дал: nunny

93C Complete the conversation. Use at, in, on or by and the words in the box.

air bed boat France holiday school university

A: Is your sister here with you?

B: No, she's (o) on holiday at the moment. She and her friend Rachel have gone camping.

A: Where have they gone?

B: Somewhere (1) in France.

A: Did they fly there?

B: Yes. It's very quick when you go (2) by air.

A: Yes, it is. We usually go (3) by boat because we take the car. And how are your brothers?

B: Neil's fine, thanks. He's (4) at university. He's studying Chemistry.

And Martin's in his last year (5) at  school. He's not well today, so he's (6) in bed.

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