помогите пожалуйста ​



Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. to

2 through

3 down

4 off

5 into

6 out of

Ответ дал: nunny

Complete the extract from a letter. Use the correct prepositions.

I met Philip at his house and we cycled (o) from there (1) to the swimming pool. The pool is on the other side of then, so we had to cycle (2) through town. There is a big hill on the way there. We cycled up it slowly, and then came (3) down quickly. At the bottom of the hill, I fell (4) off my bike! I hurt my arm, but I was all right. We were very hot when we got to the pool, so we jumped (5) in immediately. We stayed in the pool for about an hour. When I came (6) out of the water, I felt wonderful - very cool and relaxed.

the water

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