Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adverb in bold.
1. The door squeaks ..... (loudly) in the winter than in the summer.
2.Chris ran .....( fast) of all the runners .
3.Miras speaks English...... (well) than Alisher.
4.I did ..... (badly) in the class on the science test
5.The lecture started ....(early) than we had expected
6.I still have the flu , but I feel ....(little) ill than yesterday
7.Kevin played .....(well)of all the basketball team.
8.Akbota read the instructions ....(carefully ) than the rest of the class.


Ответ дал: nunny

1. The door squeaks louder in the winter than in the summer.

2. Chris ran the fastest of all the runners .

3. Miras speaks English better than Alisher.

4. I did the worst in the class on the science test

5. The lecture started earlier than we had expected

6. I still have the flu, but I feel less ill than yesterday

7. Kevin played the best of all the basketball team.

8. Akbota read the instructions the most carefully than the rest of the class.

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