1. Fill in the gaps with the missing words.
1. He ........ in 1938 and died in 1987.
2. What ...................... you have for lunch yesterday?
3. "............ a dog when you were six?"
"No, I didn't."
4. When was the ............... you visited your parents?
5. "Where.......... you yesterday?" "At home."
6. They had bicycles but they .................... cars then.
7. ........... Elvis Presley?" "An American singer."
8. There were guest houses but there.
any hotels then.
9. ".... the weather like in Madrid?"
"It was hot."
10. My town isn't the .......... as it was thirty years ago.
11. Excuse me, ............... tell me the way to the bank?
12. ........ did you go out with?" "James."
13. He could talk when he was one, but he ....walk.
14. They ......... .. two sons, but they didn't have
any daughters.
15. "Did he travel by plane?" "No,
16. "......... operas did he write?" "Forty."
17. The supermarket is on the
Oak Street and Hill Street,
18. The bank is .................. your right.
19. ....... of music does the band play?"
20. James .................... read until he was seven.​


Ответ дал: hoba7959


was born


Did you had

hoba7959: сейчас ещё отпр.
PamPam1712: то што ти перед етим скинула ета к каким ?
hoba7959: 6 but they bought 7 Who is 9 what/ how is 10 tallest. по моему!
PamPam1712: там нужно 1 слово вставити, помоєму
PamPam1712: в 1 реченні 1 слово
PamPam1712: можит бить 2 слова
PamPam1712: а решта
PamPam1712: ну
PamPam1712: ну пажалуста мне очень нужно
PamPam1712: правельнрй атвет
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