Помогите пж очень надо а то меня мама ⚰️​



Ответ дал: sofiuwu


3) 1. What is the fastest animal in the world? How fast can a cheetah run?

2. What is the heaviest animal in the world? How much does an elephant weigh?

3. What is the longest animal in the world? How long is this animal?

4. What is the tallest animal in the world? How tall is a giraffe?

5. What is the smallest bird in the world? How small is a hummingbird?

4) 1. If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home

2. If you go to school by bus, it’s faster than on foot

3. If you go to school by bike, it’s healthier than by bus

4. If you are ready, let’s go


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