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Ответ дал: nunny

8. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalised words.

Once upon a time, there (1) WERE two (2) - MICE cousins. One lived in the town and the other in the country. The town mouse thought that (3) LIVING in the town was (4) BETTER than living in  the country. So one day, he invited (5) HIS country cousin to stay with him. They (6) SAT down to a meal, which to the country mouse was a feast. (7) SUDDENLY there was a loud noise at the  door. "(8) DO NOT WORRY said the town mouse, "that's  just my neighbour, the dog, he wants to join us for dinner." The country mouse (9)  ATE a little (10) FASTER Another noise was heard outside,  even (11) LOUDER this time. "Oh dear" said the town  mouse, "the cat wants to join us too." (12) QUICKLY eating the last of his meal, the country mouse said, "Thank you, but I think I will return to the peace and quiet of my own house after all!" Then he (13) RAN back home as fast as his legs could  carry him.

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