What do you like reading about? составте ответ не менее 7 придложений пожалуйстааааааааа


Ответ дал: KSIMonte


I like reading about disease, illneses, bacteria, and viruses. I like reading about them because they help me to understand my body better, and help me being prepared in case of emergencies. I started doing research on these topics after I had a negative reactio to a vaccine. Doing research on these topics makes me more aware and allows me to take necessary precautions.  Also, it makes it easier for me to give myself a self-diagnosis, when a physician isn't available. Due, to reading illneses now I know how to treat anaphalctic reactions, how to do CPR, how to do the hiemlich manuver, and other first aid techinques. For, example I know that the first thing you do if there is an unconscious person is - check for a pulse, call 911, if the pulse is missing start doing Chest Compressions (CPR).

sabinanassyrova1706: Срасибоо
Ответ дал: beezowdoodoo
Nowadays you can see various activities, every person has his own hobby. Someone likes golf, another person enjoys classical music, but I love reading! I always live among books! My favorite author is Agatha Christie. I really like her detective stories. Books help to become smarter, because you explore the point of view of different people and draw conclusions. I recommend reading books as it is useful!

beezowdoodoo: Я писала лично от себя
beezowdoodoo: Даа, пока печатала текст забыла, что вопрос по-другому звучит
beezowdoodoo: Ладно, что уж поделаешь, удалить я это не могу
sabinanassyrova1706: ничего все ровно спасибо !!!
beezowdoodoo: Не за что))
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