Make up questions using the Present Simple Passive, the Past SP or the Future SP
and answer them as in the example.
E x a m p l e:
This actress/to interview/last Friday? (Yes)Was this actress interviewed last Friday? — Yes, she was.

1) Peter’s car/to steal/last night? (No)
2) The chocolates/always/to wrap/in foil? (Yes)
3) Your paintings/to display/at the next exhibition? (Yes)
4) The books of this writer/often/to demand/in the library? (No)
5) An e-mail letter/to send/to Sally/yesterday? (No)
6) Our pizza/to deliver/in an hour? (Yes)


Ответ дал: vikatish


1) Was Peter’s car stolen last night? – No, it wasn`t

2) Are the chocolates always wrapped in foil? – Yes, they are

3) Will your paintings be displayed at the next exhibition? – Yes, they will

4) Are the books of this writer often demanded in the library? – No, they aren`t

5) Was an e-mail letter sent to Sally yesterday? – No, it wasn`t

6) Will our pizza be delivered in an hour? – Yes, it will  


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