Упражнение 1.

Перепишите предложения, используя конструкцию Used to.

ОБРАЗЕЦ : He played toy cars when he was a boy. = He used to play toy cars when he was a boy.

1. He studied French. = …………………………………….. French.

2. He was proud of his team.= …………………………………….. proud of his team.

3. Peter had more pocket money. = …………………………………….. more pocket money.

4. They called him names. = ………………………………………. him names.

5. When Grandpa was a student, he did sports. = ……………………………………….. when he was a student.

6. She went to the disco every Sunday. = …………………………………………… to the disco every Sunday.

7. They were lucky. = ……………………………………………. lucky.

8. He argued with his classmates. = ………………………………………….. with his classmates.

9. Mary went shopping on Friday. = ………………………………………….. shopping on Friday.

10. She had a short holiday in spring.= …………………………………………… a short holiday in spring.

С переводом!!!

Упражнение 2.

Составьте предложения, используя конструкцию used to по таблице.

ОБРАЗЕЦ Mr Smith used to live in a small house but now he lives in a mansion. –

Когда-то мистер Смит жил в маленьком доме, а сейчас он живет в особняке.

1. Mr Smith lived in a small house.
2. Mr Smith worked as a clerk.
3. He didn’t go on holiday.
4. He had an old car.
5. He spent all evenings at home.

He lives in a mansion.
He doesn’t work at all.
He travels every year.
He has a brand-new sports car.
He goes out every evening.

С переводом!!!


Ответ дал: VariaLeaf



He used to study... он привык учить французский

He used to be... он привык быть гордостью свой команды

Peter used to have... Питер привык иметь карманные деньги

They used to call... они привыкли называть его по имени

Grandpa used to sport... дедушка занимался спортом, когда был студентом

She used to go... она привыкла ходить на дискотеку каждое воскресенье

They used to be... они привыкли к удаче

He used to argue... он привык спорить с одноклассниками

Mary used to go shopping... Мэри привыкла ходить на шоппинг по пятницам

She used to have... Они привыкла иметь короткие каникулы весной

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