Помогите пожалуйста, нужно буквы в скобочках поставить так чтобы получились слова. Тема фрукты, овощи, мясо, (Drinks), (Other)
1. I've got a cheese ( swidchan) but I haven't got an ( leppa).
2. There's (klim) and (olac) in the fridge.
3. My brother can cook. Tonight we've got ( heknicc) for (rindne).
4. ( Sifnumf) are delicious but they aren't good for you.
5.Let's have something to drink. An orange (rjiuc) for me and a chocolate ( msilkhkae) for you.
6. Vegetables like (rcrtaso) and (crleey) are very good for you.


Ответ дал: asyamir204


Объяснение:2. sandwich, apple

3. milk, cola

4. breakfast

5. chicken, dinner

6. muffins

7. juice, milkshake

8. carrot, celery

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