Придумайте заголовок текста так, чтобы он отобразил главную мысль (раскрыл идею)

'I have to be very careful in my job. Working with wires, cables and plugs can be very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. If you make a mistake, you could be electrocuted. But of course I've been trained, so I make sure nothing like that happens to me.I do all sorts of things each day, from changing an old lady's light bulbs to rewiring a whole factory. That's why I like my job - it's so varied. You're in a new place almost day and, without you, people wouldn't be able to cook, or listen to music, or even see at night.'


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

I'm proud of my profession!

Я горжусь своей профессией!

Вас заинтересует