Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.
1 A: ..........................................(you/be) on a diet? B: Yes. I ......................................(lose) 3 kilos.
2 A: We ..................................................(not/see) Tom and Sue for ages. How are they? B: They’re fine. They ........................................ (just/buy) a new flat.
3 A: My brother and his family ............................. .......................(move) to Canada. B: Wow! .............................................................. (you/visit) them yet?
4 A: .......................................................(you/hear) from Peter lately? B: Yes. He ..............................................(finish) his course and he’s looking for a job.
5 A: Oh no! I ............................................ (forget) to bring my camera. B: Don’t worry, I .................................... (bring)
6 A: I ......................................................(not/be) on Twitter for ages. B: Well, I .................................................... (visit) my page recently.


Ответ дал: HermionaGrendger


1 A: Have you been  on a diet? B: Yes. I have lost 3 kilos.

2 A: We have not seen Tom and Sue for ages. How are they? B: They’re fine. They have just bought  a new flat.

3 A: My brother and his family have moved to Canada. B: Wow! Have you visited them yet?

4 A: Have you heard from Peter lately? B: Yes. He has finished his course and he’s looking for a job.

5 A: Oh no! I have forgotten to bring my camera. B: Don’t worry, I have brought


6 A: I have not been on Twitter for ages. B: Well, I have visited my page recently.

HermionaGrendger: You , we , they , I - have.It, he , she- has + глагол(діеслово) в 3 форме или с окончанием ed
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