Complete the sentences. Use The correct form of Present Simple.
1. I (to like) big cities.
2. We (to do) a lot of exercises every lesson.
3. He (to get up) at 7 o'clock
4. Tom never (to have) breakfast.
5. My parents (to go) to the cinema on Sundays.
6. My father (to go) to work by car.
7. I (to drink) tea, but I (not drink) coffe.
8. My friend (to speak) English, but he (not speak) French
9. My car (not use) much petrol.
10. I (to like) football, but I (not play) it.

Write negative and interrogative sentences and translate them.
1. I live in Paris.
2. He goes to the cinema every Sunday.
3. My brother gets up at 6 o'clock.
4. My granny watches TV every day.
5. We play tennis on Mondays.
6. They speak English.
7. My sister speak Italian.
8. They smoke.
9. We drink a lot of coffee.
10. It often reins in autumn.


Ответ дал: varya93
1 like,
2 do,
3 gets up,
4 has,
5 go,
6 goes,
7 drink, don’t drink,
8 speaks, doesn’t speak,
9 doesn’t use,
10 like, don’t play

i don’t live...
he doesn’t go to the...
my brother doesn’t get up...
my granny doesn’t watch...
we don’t play tennis...
they don’t speak English
my sister doesn’t speak Italian
they don’t smoke
we don’t drink...
it doesn’t often...
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