Talk to your friends about the things in Gulliver's pockets What did they look like? How big were they? What did the Lilliputians think of them?
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Ответ дал: kap1tann3m0


When the Lilliputians searched Gulliver's pockets, they made an inventory of the items they found. A piece of rough canvas was a handkerchief, a snuff-box was called a silver chest, a pile of sheets of white paper sewn with ropes was a notebook, a comb was called a long object, similar to a garden lattice, a gunbecame a machine of iron and wood, a purse of coins became a fishing net with strange round objects, a pocket knife – a huge knife, and a clock - a round metal box.they were considerably larger than midgets

TsepilovRoman: Это не ответы на вопросы
smeshnoicok233: почиму он же правильно зделал
TsepilovRoman: Насколько они были большие он не ответил
smeshnoicok233: ааааа я понял я уже слова 5 списал
kap1tann3m0: а теперь
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