Написать маленький текст о легком метро и о городской электричке, которое находится в Лондоне. 30 баллов


Ответ дал: bekabambucha


hello my essay about London's underground. i never was there but i saw many movies and cartoons with it. how i know the different between subway and underground its because subway is American English

and underground is British English

its really good to use because for cheap price you can go from A point to B. Many people use it everyday and its really very useful for us.

Madiko73: Пожеее
Madiko73: Помогите с англ.яз
Madiko73: Умоляюююю
Madiko73: Пожалуйстаааааааааа
Madiko73: Кто-будь
Madiko73: Speaking Task 2. What have people done to save our planet? Answer the question and make a mind map on a poster in 3 minutes and then you will have 1 minute to present it to the whole class. In your speech you organise your ideas in a logical chain; connect your ideas using appropriate linking words; -use topic related vocabulary.
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