СРРОООЧНООО ОЧЕНЬ ПЖ. УМОЛЯЮЮ Speaking Task 2. What have people done to save our planet? Answer the question and make a mind map on a poster in 3 minutes and then you will have 1 minute to present it to the whole class. In your speech you organise your ideas in a logical chain; connect your ideas using appropriate linking words; -use topic related vocabulary.


Ответ дал: irgizbaevakamila22


1) Wrap gifts in fabric and tie with ribbon; both are reusable and prettier than paper and sticky-tape.

2) Start a compost heap to reduce the waste you send to landfill sites.

3) Buy your own hive: without bees the planet would last for only 60 years (and honey is good for your health).

4) Use a nappy washing service: they use 32% less energy and 41% less water than home washing.

5) Slow down. Driving at 50mph uses 25% less fuel than 70mph.

6) Wash your clothes with your flatmates' instead of wasting water on half-empty loads.

7) Turn down your central heating and put on a jumper.

8) Take a brisk shower, not a leisurely bath, to save water.

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