Помогите пожалуйста!!
Надо ответить на вопросы по английскому языку.Буду Вам очень благодарна))​

Where you at home at seven yesterday?

Who was on duty last week?

Where were the maps at the Geography lesson?

How many students were absent from the last lesson?

What was the weather like last sun day?

Where there clouds in the sky yesterday evening?

p43498401: Можно пожалуйста сами вопросы?
aselsulaimanova861: Я добавила вопросы.Благодарю вас.))
aselsulaimanova861: Пожалуйста можете мне помочь))


Ответ дал: p43498401



1)Yesterday at seven in the evening I was at home and doing my homework.

2)Seventh grade was on duty last week

3)Geography maps hang in a geography class

4)In the last lesson, four people were absent

5)The weather was cool.

6)There were no clouds last night, it was clear.

p43498401: Вроде так
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