помогите чрочно все баллы 5 Complete the sentences with the words below.
brilliant canteen cycling election arm team venue
1 Let's meet in the _________ after our maths lesson!
2 What's your favourite football __________?
3 Do you want to go _________ on Friday?
4 My sister's voting in the next __________.
5 Which ________ does she wear a watch on?
6 You've got a new laptop! That's _________!
7 We want to have a New Year party, but it's not easy to find a good __________.
Mark: ___ /7
Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test A
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2
nd edition Elementary 3
6 Complete the letter. Write the words in brackets correctly.
Dear Pawel,
We'd like to say we're very 1________ (drupo) of you for 2_________ (blincimg) that 2000 metre mountain at
the weekend! We hope your legs aren't too 3_________ (afilnpu) and that you have some time to
4_________ (aelrx) now. We always say that exercise is an important part of a healthy 5________ (eellstify),
so it's great that you enjoy hiking so much. We hope you're eating well too, because a 6_________
(aabcdeln) diet is also important!
Anyway, I have to go now. I need to get some 7 ________ (nicedemi) from the doctor for Grandad.
Lots of love,
Mark: ___ /7
Use of English
7 Choose the correct answers.
This summer, my sister Clare 1 _________ married to her Japanese boyfriend, Akira. She lives in the city of
Nagasaki, on the island of Kyushu, and so all my family 2 _________ out there to the wedding. There aren’t
going to be 3 _________ guests because it’s expensive to fly to Japan. They want to have a 4 _________
wedding with the 5 _________ on a beach, because my sister wants to wear a white wedding dress.
However, in a traditional Japanese wedding the 6 _________ wears a beautiful kimono. I’m a little worried
about the 7 _________ though. I’m not very keen 8 _________ Japanese food because I don’t like fish or
rice! But my sister says Japanese food is very 9 _________! And I hope they don’t have karaoke after the
wedding, because my sister sings really 10 _________!
1 A gets B getting C is getting D to get
2 A are travelling B travel C travels D travelling
3 A any B many C much D some
4 A boring B hard C interesting D modern
5 A ceremony B costume C engagement D election
6 A bride B groom C nephew D niece
7 A diet B canteen C reception D venue
8 A at B in C of D on
9 A fattening B healthy C processed D sweet
10 A badly B beautifully C carefully D well
Mark: ___ /10
Cumulative Test Units 1–5 Test A
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2
nd edition Elementary 4
8 Listen to the conversation about weekend plans. Are the sentences true or false?
1 Pam and Reece are going to a wedding together. _____
2 Reece doesn't usually wear smart clothes. _____
3 Reece doesn't like colourful clothes. _____
4 Reece wants to buy a shirt and trousers. _____
5 Pam has to pay for Reece's clothes. _____


Ответ дал: katemoore2301


1. Canteen


3. Cycling

4 election






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