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Ответ дал: abslee


1. Yes it did. it rained yesterday.

it had been raining for 3 hours.

2. Yes she did.

She had been working for 25 years there.

3.Yes i did. i stayed at the hotel.

i had been living for a fortnight there.

4. .Yes they did.

they had been studying it for 5 years.

5. .Yes they did.

they had been working jn the book for 2 years.

6. Yes they did.

they had been walking for 2 hours.


использованны времена: Past Simple - простое прошедшее время , и, Past Perfect Continuous - прошедшее совершенное длительное время.

abslee: 1. the lecturer had been speaking for 15 min. when Dean came in.
abslee: 2. Lurry had been waiting for half an hour when he realized that he had came to the wrong hotel.
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