Напишите пожалуйста правильные ответы ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!! ДАМ 35 БАЛЛОВ
1)He….a dress yesterday. 1) buys 2)bought 3)will buy 2)She…..to read a magazine tonight. 1)is going 2)will 3)has 3)Last Friday we…..tennis from5 till 6. 1)are playing 2)were playing 3)are going to play 4)I think my parents ….to the cinema next week. 1)are going to go 2)will go 3)are going 5)Ann ….with her friends in an hour. 1)is meeting 2)has met 3)meet 6)He …his homework yet. 1)has done 2)did 3)has not done 7)Ann often …me letters last year. 1)writes 2)wrote 3)has written 8)Ann and Tanya …Syktyvkar every year. 1)visit 2)are visiting 3)will visit 9)I ….TV now. 1)am going to watch 2)am watching 3)watch 10)What films ….you watch last month? 1)do 2)does 3)did 11) How often… he read books? 1)does 2)do 3)did 12)What … you …. From 2 till 3 yesterday? 1)is doing 2)are doing 3)were doing 13)…they …..the room at the moment? 1)will clean 2)do clean 3)are cleaning 14)…. you…the piano last week? 1)did played 2)do played 3) did play


Ответ дал: LittleMurlasti
1) bought
2) is going
3) were playing
4) will go
5) is meeting
6) has not done
7) wrote
8) visit
9) am watching
10) did
11) do
12) are doing
13) are cleaning
14) did play
Ответ дал: fluffyxxtae

1)He bought a dress yesterday.

2)She  is going   to read a magazine tonight.

3)Last Friday we were playing   tennis from 5 till 6.

4)I think my parents  will go  to the cinema next week.

5)Ann is meeting  with her friends in an hour.

6)He has not done   his homework yet.

7)Ann often has written me letters last year.

8)Ann and Tanya are visiting Syktyvkar every year.

9)I am watching TV now.

10)What films did you watch last month?  

11) How often does he read books?

12)What were you doing  From 2 till 3  yesterday?

13)Are  they cleaning the room at the moment? 1)will clean 2)do clean 3)are cleaning

14) Did you play the piano last week?

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