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Do people's tastes in music have the most influence on how they look and behave?


Ответ дал: yunis2013

I think that people's tastes in music have the most influence on how they look and behave, because daily I see different people. They listen different music gengres and some people who listen a rap or hip-hop wear baggy jeans, caps, loose t-shirts etc, who listen a metal wear black clothes and T-Shirts with favourite bands.

yunis2013: Не могу почему-то остальное отправить :(((
yunis2013: https://vivianefreitas.com/en/young-people-and-the-influence-music-has-over-them/ статья научная
yunis2013: 2. I agree with this sentence, because in Internet we can found many evidence - for example on YouTube, facebook etc. there is a very much rude comments
yunis2013: 3. I believe that everyone is just as aggressive, independently of age, you only have to look around.

4. I don't agree with that, because subculture existed for several years, so the decor punk or someone else does not inspire a great sensation.
yunis2013: Вот все
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