Задание 5
Помогите пожалуйста



Ответ дал: nunny

Раскройте скобки:

1. I won't leave the house unless the postman (brings) mail.

2. If Ted (finds) a job, he will be a good worker.

3. We would wait here until they (called) us.

4. If they were here, they (would give) us some valuable advice.

5. I (would feel) much safer if you didn't turn off the light at night.

6. If I had known you were in hospital, I (would have visited) you.

7. I would have been very happy now if I (had won) in the lottery last time.

8. Mike (would have done) his best to save the situation if he had been there, but he was on business.

9. If we (had tested) this material, we would have used it in our work.

10. If you (pass) the exam, you will get a certificate.

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