Complete the sentences with the Continuous Passive (Present or Past). Write down the answer as shown in the example. Don't put the full stop after the last verb form.

Example: 1. is being done, 2. was being bought, 3. are being finished, 4. was being repaired, 5. are being built

1. There is somebody behind us. I think we _______________________________. (follow)

2. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It_______________________________. (redecorate)

3. It was pretty noisy all day yesterday. The furniture_______________________________. (move)

4. I couldn’t take their tools yesterday because they_______________________________. (use)

5. Don't go there, it's dangerous! The trees ________________________________. (cut)


Ответ дал: zfateev
1) are being followed
2) was being redecorated
3) was being moved
4) were being used
5) were being cut

Аноним: 1. are being followed, 2. is being redecorated, 3. was being moved, 4. were being used, 5. are being cut
Ответ дал: kajet


1. There is somebody behind us. I think we are being followed.

2. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It is being redecorated.

3. It was pretty noisy all day yesterday. The furniture was being moved.

4. I couldn’t take their tools yesterday because they were being used.

5. Don't go there, it's dangerous! The trees are being cut.


1. За нами кто-то идет. Я думаю, что за нами следят.

2. Энн сейчас не может воспользоваться своим кабинетом. Он сейчас ремонтируется.

3. Вчера весь день было довольно шумно. Мебель перестанавливали.

4. Я не мог взять их инструменты вчера, потому что их использовали (они использовались).

5. Не ходите туда, это опасно! Деревья рубят.

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