The dog (to eat) meet.
нужно поставить это предложение во все 4 времени и во все формы( утвердительное, отрицательное, альтернативный вопрос, вопрос к подлежащему и т.д.)
заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: vasilisaogneva
1)The dog eats meet.
2)The dog does not eat meet.
3)Does the dog eat meet?
4)Who eats meet?

vasilisaogneva: the dog ate meet. the dog eats meet. the dog is eating meet. the dog has eaten meet
vasilisaogneva: вроде все
ishchenkoasya: нужно во всех временах и одновременно в этих же предложениях во всех формах
vasilisaogneva: ой блиин
vasilisaogneva: у меня могз взрывается
ishchenkoasya: ))))
ishchenkoasya: блин
ishchenkoasya: блинмне до завтра нужно до 13 часов
Alphaeus: Девчонки, не "meet", а "meat" = "мясо"
ishchenkoasya: спасибо да точно я ошиблась))
Ответ дал: Alphaeus
The dog eats meat.
The dog ate meat.
The dog will eat meat.
The dog is eating meat.
The dog was eating meat.
The dog will be eating meat.
The dog has eaten meat.
The dog had eaten meat.
и т.д.

The dog doesn't eat meat.
The dog didn't eat meat.
The dog won't eat meat.
The dog isn't eating meat.
The dog wasn't eating meat.
The dog won't be eating meat.
The dog hasn't eaten meat.
The dog hadn't eaten meat.
и т.д.

Does the dog eat meat?
Does the dog eat meat or fish?
Who eats meat?
The dog eats meat, isn't it?
What does the dog eat?

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