Turn these requests, commands and instructions into reported speech (Перепиши предложения в косвенной речи, обращая внимание на передачу просьб, приказаний, инструкций).

1. ‘Could you do me a favour?’ she asked me. —
She asked me

2. ‘Don’t open the door!’ she said to me. —
She warned me

3. ‘Put on your hat,’ my mother said. —
My mother told me


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. ‘Could you do me a favour?’ she asked me.

She asked me to do her a favour.

2. ‘Don’t open the door!’ she said to me.

She warned me not to open the door.

3. ‘Put on your hat,’ my mother said.

My mother told me to put on my hat.

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