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We like to think we are an ethical company, but we -------- (have) a problem last year when we --------- (launch) our new product. Let me give you the back ground to the problem. The new product --------- (sell) very well and we -------- (get) good feedback, and sales ----------- (increase) month by month. Everyone was happy. Then it all---------( go) wrong. In August we -------- (start) to get complaints from some doctors about one of our salesman. They ------------- (complain) about the methods that the salesman --------- (use) to persuade them to endorse the product. He --------- (offer) them expensive gifts and -------------( take) them to expensive restaurants. The doctors ------------ ( feel) under pressure to promote the product.
By the end of the year we ---------- (receive) over 30 complaints about the particular salesman. In December articles -------- (start) to appear in the press about our unethical sales methods. In the end we -------- (fire) the salesman. As a result of this, we ------------ (recently issue) guidelines to all sales staff about appropriate gifts.


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert




We like to think we are an ethical company, but we had a problem last year when we were launching our new product. Let me give you the background to the problem. The new product was being sold very well and we got good feedback, and sales were increasing month by month. Everyone was happy. Then it all went wrong. In August, we started to get complaints from some doctors about one of our salesmen. They were complaining about the methods that the salesman used to persuade them to endorse the product. He offered them expensive gifts and took them to expensive restaurants. The doctors felt under pressure to promote the product.  

By the end of the year, we received over 30 complaints about the particular salesman. In December articles started to appear in the press about our unethical sales methods. In the end, we fired the salesman. As a result of this, we have recently issued guidelines to all sales staff about appropriate gifts.

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