le pallile
Workbook page 49
5 Complete the sentences with the
present perfect simple or continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.
11_ (read) one of his books, but I didn't like it.
21_ (try) to phone Aida all day. Is she there?
3 We _(drive) for hours and we still haven't
4 Hurray! We _(finish) at last!
5 We (already / see) this film twice. It's brilliant.
61_ (look) for my keys for ages, but I can't find
7 How long you (learn) English?
8 They're terrified. They (watch) a horror film.


Ответ дал: nunny

5 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 (I have read) one of his books, but I didn't like it.

2 I_ (have been trying) to phone Aida all day. Is she there?

3 We _(have been driving) for hours and we still haven't arrived.

4 Hurray! We _(have finished) at last!

5 We (have already seen) this film twice. It's brilliant.

6 I have been  (looking) for my keys for ages, but I can't find them!

7 How long have you (been learning) English?

8 They're terrified. They (have been watching) a horror film.

zdd13tfder: omg! Thank you
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