Помогите пожалуйста сделать.



Ответ дал: Ppppppy


a) I have just closed the window.

b) He have just came home.

c) John have been to Moscow. He can tell you about it.

d) They have traveled to many foreign countries.

e) I have found my book at last.

f) We have bought a car.

g) They have sold all the books.

h) The boy have lost the toy.

i) He have just returned from England.

j) I have made coffee to you.


1) Jonh has just finished his homework, so his books are still on the table.

2) I haven't seen Sarah since 1990.

3) Have you already finished eating? I haven't even started yet.

4) We've lived here for ten years.

5) He's just came back from jogging and he's a bit tired.

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