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The (0) ..protection.... of animals is one of the main concerns of the PROTECT
World Zoo (1)..........., an international society that helps zoos ORGANISE
maintain high standards for their animals - and for their (2)........... VISIT
Made up of (3)..........such as zoologists, the WZO also helps zoos SCIENCE
around the world exchange valuable (4)..........about their INFORM
animals' health, breeding habits, etc. The (5) ………. of such an CREATE
organisation helps zoos to keep moving in the right (6)........... DIRECT
Animal rights (7) ........keep a close eye on zoos to make certain ACTIVE
that the (8)..........the animals receive is safe and not cruel. TREAT
They sometimes even send (9)..........to the zoos for a first-hand INSPECT
look. The WZO has helped in the (10) …… of a number of truly MANAGE
wonderful zoos around the world, where animals can live safely and
happily and can be viewed and appreciated by many people.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 organisation

2 visitors

3 scientists

4 information

5 creation

6 direction

7 activists

8 treatment

9 inspectors

10 management

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