Что происходит на рынке? Впишите в приложения глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Continuous Tense.
A small girl ___ (buy) (a) carrots from a market stall. At another stall a lot of people ____ ( look) (c) at fruit. In the next row a woman____(sell) (d) flowers. You_____( check) (e) your shopping list. "I ____ ( carry) ( f) a lot of shopping bags already!",you_____(think) (g). The next moment you____(stutmble) (h) over a cat with a piece of flsh its mouth. The cat_____(run) (i) away as guick as lightning.


Ответ дал: maksimuselizarov

Buy, look, sell, check, carry, think, stumble, run.Думаю так

nunny: Нет.
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