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Ответ дал: nunny

2 Fill in: who, why, which, when, whose, where. Which of the relative clauses are: defining? non-defining? Rewrite them, using commas where needed.

1 Isn't that the café where they filmed Amelie? defining

2 The advert which won the award was filmed near my house. defining

3 Ben is the boy whose mother is an actress. defining

4 That is the actor who starred in The Tourist. defining

5 George Clooney, who is in the film Gravity, is very handsome. non-defining

6 Mr Harris, who came up with the idea for the shop, is Canadian. non-defining

7 The photographs which I took in Hollywood have been developed. defining

8 August is the month when she was born. defining

9 Amy, who works at the advertising agency, is my cousin. non-defining

10 That's the reason why he loves comedy films so much. defining

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