Помогите пожалуйста, я вас очень прошу!
Being very shy she was sitting______in a corner of the
a) herself c) on her own
b) on one's own c) by her
12. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine______sharp enough.
a) aren't c) is
b) isn't d) are
13. The local restaurant was no longer open. It_______
a) closed c) has closed
b) was closed d) had closed
14.1 wasn't hungry. I______just______breakfast.
a) had have c) would have
b) was having d) have had
15. If only I had enough money, then I______a car.
a) would buy c) would have bought
b) bought d) '11 buy
16. My brother is very ill in______hospital. I go to______
hospital to visit him every day.
a) -,the c)the,the
b) -, - d) a, the
17. During the night the tourists______up by loud screams.
a) woke c) wake
b) are woken d) were woken
18. Four people are said______after the explosion.
a) to be arrested c) be arrested
b) being arrested d) to have been arrested
19. "I wonder if he will get the job." "______."
a) So am I c) So I do
b) So I am d) So do I
20. A lot of money______by car manufacturers now to create cars harmless for the environment.
a) are invested b) have been invested
c) is being invested d) were invested


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

11 с

12 a

13 d

14 должен быть вариант had had

15 a

16 a

17 d

18 a

19 d

20 c

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