Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необходимо:
1. When Dickens was a boy … … four, his father showed him a beautiful house … the place where they were living … that time. «Why can’t we live … a fine house like that?» the boy asked father. «We’re rather poor, and can’t pay … it, « his father answered. Little Charles often went … that please. He liked to look … the house and play outside it. Many years later he really moved … that house and lived there … a long time.
2. Theodore Dreiser, the great American writer, was born … the 27th August, 1871 … a small town … America.
3. When Jack London was a boy … … ten, he sold newspapers … the streets and … this way helped … his parents.
4. When novels … Jack London are popular … Russian readers.
5. The boy learned to read … the age … five.

Аноним: 7.В наше время особенно актуальной является мысль Н.Я.Данилевского о том, что…
А) необходимым условием развития культуры является политическая независимость;
Б) русский народ в массе своей умеет повиноваться;
В) Европа на самом деле составляет реальное культурное целое;
Г) Восток (Азия) никакого единства в культурном смысле не имеет.
Аноним: Помоги пожалуйста
JakeekaJ: это уже не английский язык,прости )


Ответ дал: JakeekaJ


When Dickens was a boy of four, his father showed him a beautiful house in the place where they were living at that time. «Why can’t we live in a fine house like that?» the boy asked father. «We’re rather poor, and can’t pay for it, « his father answered. Little Charles often went to that please. He liked to look at the house and play outside it. Many years later he really moved to that house and lived there for a long time.

2. Theodore Dreiser, the great American writer, was born on the 27th August, 1871 in a small town in America.

3. When Jack London was a boy of ten, he sold newspapers at the streets and this way helped his parents.

4. When novels of Jack London are popular with Russian readers.

5. The boy learned to read at the age of five.

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