Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Normally Michel (to work) out two times a week.

2. You (to discuss) the project when I (to go) out.

3. — Sorry, I (not/ hear) you, I (to think) about why all a’s in ‘Australia’ are pronounced differently.

4. We (to listen) to an interesting lecture yesterday.

5. — I can’t believe it, this very second I (to get) off a plane in California.

6. Yesterday at one o’clock Paul and I (to have) lunch at the canteen.

7. I (to start) my blog three years ago.

8. We (to go) to the wood in summer.

9. — I (to daydream) about meeting my celebrity crush and (to miss) my stop.

10. — I’m at the mall now; I (to look) for a dress for the New Year’s party.

11. Sue (to start) her day with a glass of lemon water.

12. He (to read) on the sofa when I (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him.

13. You (not/ to hear) what she (to say)?

14. She (to study) at the Technical University? – No, she (to study) at the Architectural University.

15. Today was quite busy: I (to go) to class, then (to work) out, (to pick) my online order and in the evening (to have) dinner with my family.

16. We (to have) an English lesson now.

17. When I (to enter) the lecture room, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard.

Аноним: Долго делал посмотри


Ответ дал: floraghazanchyan

Ответ:1)works 2)will discuss,go 3)did not hear,thought 4)listened 5)get 6)had 7)started 8)are going 9)was daydreaming, missed

10)am looking 11)starts

12)was reading,came, sat

13)do not hear, says 14)is studying,

15)went,worked, picked,had

16)are having

17)entered,was writing


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