Задание 1.
Поставьте сказуемое в нужную форму
1. They (look) for their cat since morning.
2. Her son (play) computer games since childhood.
3. We (clean) our flat all day long.
4. Jessica (talk) on the phone since early morning!
5. I (write) this verse for 5 minutes.
6. Bob and Pamela (pack) their suitcases since 6 o’clock.
7. (study) she Hebrew since last spring?
8. You (play not) football since you were 15 years old.
9. (watch) they this show for 2 hours?
10. The bonfire (burn not) all night.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. They have been looking for their cat since morning.

2. Her son has been playing computer games since childhood.

3. We have been cleaning our flat all day long.

4. Jessica has been talking on the phone since early morning!

5. I have been writing this verse for 5 minutes.

6. Bob and Pamela have been packing their suitcases since 6 o’clock.

7. Has she been studying Hebrew since last spring?

8. You haven't been playing football since you were 15 years old.

9. Have they been watching this show for 2 hours?

10. The bonfire hasn’t been burning all night.

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