Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple Passive:

1. Rice (to grow) in India.
2. Wine (to make) from grapes.
3. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.
4. English (to speak) all over the world.
5. The flowers (to water) regularly.
6. This website (to use) for learning English.
7. The office (to clean) every day.
8. Their children (not to allow) to go far from home.
9. I (not to pay) weekly.
10. The students (to teach) by the professor.


Ответ дал: yovhymyschdiana

Ответ:1 is grown

2 is made

3 are gathered

4 is spoken

5 are watered

6 is used

7 is cleaned

8 are not allowed

9 am not paid

10 are taught


Present simple passive

Is or are or am + verb(3form, or ending Ed)

Вас заинтересует