Помогите пожалуйста :3
Задание 1.
If he ... an extra pen, he ... it to you.

had, would given
had, would give
has, will gave
Задание 2.
If I ... to bed early, I ... a good sleep.

goes, will have
go, will have
go, will has
Задание 3.
If you ... water up to 100 Celsius, it ...

heats, will boil.
heat, boils.
will heat, boils .
Задание 4.
He … in time if he ... in a traffic jam.

will be, isn’t caught
will be, doesn’t caught
would be, not caught
Задание 5.
If you … exhausted, you …

are, should leave.
was, should leave.
are, should left.
Задание 6.
If my hair … a mess, I … embarrassed yesterday.

were not, wouldn’t felt
was not, wouldn’t have feel
hadn't been, wouldn’t have felt
Задание 7.
If I … my car keys, I … a taxi.

hadn't lose, wouldn’t have took
hadn’t lost, wouldn’t have taken
hadn’t losen, wouldn’t have taked
Задание 8.
If you … it yourself, … for help.

can’t do, ask
wouldn’t done, ask
would do, asked
Задание 9.
If I ... the lottery, I ... a country house.

won, could buy
win, could buy
won, can have buy
Задание 10.
If you …, we … the bridge at a height of 600 metres.

hadn't panicked, might have cross
hadn’t panic, might crossed
hadn’t panicked, might have crossed


Ответ дал: yovhymyschdiana


Had would give

Go will have

Heat boils

Will be doesn’t caught

Are should leave

Hadn’t been wouldn’t have felt

Hadn’t lost wouldn’t have taken

Can’t do ask

Win could buy

Hadn’t panicked might have crossed


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