1. Поставьте слова в предложения по смыслу tourists, consists of, birthplace, national, festival
1. London is the …… of many famous people.
2. Every year twenty million ……. visit Great Britain.
3. The ….. flag of Great Britain is called the Union Jack.
4. The UK ……of four parts.
5. Edinburgh is famous for its annual ……. of Music and Drama.

2. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке и переведите предложения.
1. did, get up, they, When ,their, holidays, during ?
2. climate, like, is ,What, the, Scotland, is?
3. can, you, new, discover, Where, places of interest?
4. will, London, go, next week, to, Who?


Ответ дал: korunchyk



1. London is the birthplace of many famous people.

2. Every year twenty million tourists visit Great Britain.

3. The national flag of Great Britain is called the Union Jack.

4. The UK consists of four parts.

5. Edinburgh is famous for its annual festival of Music and Drama.


1. When did they get up during their holidays?

Во сколько они вставали во время своих каникул?

2. What is the climate like in Scotland?

Какой климат в Шотландии?

3. Where can you discover new places of interest?

Где можно найти новые достопримечательности?

4. Who will go to London next week?

Кто поедет в Лондон на следующей неделе?

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