1 Fill in the missing words.
1 What is your favourite
...... of music?
2 Where are the children? I can't see ..............
3 Sylvester Stallone is my favourite.........
4 What do you think ................. collecting coins?
5 "Do you like rap music?" "No, I can't............. it."
................ your father work in a bank?
7 I like playing computer ..
8 The Bold and the Beautiful is my favourite soap
9 Do you....
....... going to the cinema?
10 Do you like watching ...
11 Greg isn't here. He's at football...
12 "Do you like cartoons?" "Yes, I
13 The Rolling Stones are my favourite
14 "Would you like to go to the theatre on Sunday?"
"Yes, I'd
..................... to."
15 John's crazy....
.......... rock music.
16 Star Wars is a film with fantastic special
17 Look at Robert! Look at........
18 I'm a real..
of Sting
19 My new ....................... is taking photographs.
20 "How about going fishing this weekend?" "I'm
....... I can't."
: ILL.Як це зробити ???​


Ответ дал: ekaeka0182


1. kind

2. them

3. actor

4. about

5. stand.

6. Do your father...

7. games

8. opera

9. enjoy/ like

10. science-fiction films

11. match

12. do

13. band

14. like

15. about

16. effects

17. him (?) В зависимости от контекста

18. fan of

19. hobby

20. affraid/ sorry


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