помогите срочно
Oranges are (sweet)  ……  than lemons.
2. Janet’s jokes are always (funny) the  ……  of all.
3. Statistics show that driving your own car is (dangerous)  ……  than flying in an airplane.
4. Professor Sato’s lectures are the (interesting)  ……  in university.
5. Tracy, even the floor is (clean)  ……  than you are. Get into the bath!


Ответ дал: Umnaiya


1. Sweeter

2. The funniest

3. More dangerous

4. The most interesting

5. Cleaner

ghjkl12373o29: спасибо
Ответ дал: darya2006598

Ответ:1sweeter than

2the funniest

3more dangerous than

4most intresting

5cleaner than

darya2006598: Надеюсь помогла, удачи!!!
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