Употребите правильно предлоги.
1. … weekends, we often go for long walks.
2. I haven't seen her … a few days.
3. I last saw her … Tuesday.
4. He might not be at home … the evening.
5. We`ll arrive there … the same time.
Употребите соответствующие предлоги.
1. I`m going to Bath . . . Monday . . . Tom. Would you like to come . . . us?
2. I saw him standing . . . the queue but I don't know whether he got . . . the bus or not.
3. How do you go . . . school?
4. It depends . . . the weather.
5. When the weather is fine I prefer going . . . foot.
Ответьте грамматически правильно на вопросы.
1. What activities do you like to do every day?
2. Where did you go yesterday?
3. What are you going to do tomorrow?
4. What are you doing now?
5. What were you doing at 5 p.m. yesterday?
6. Have you eaten today?
7. Where did you travel?
8. What do you do?
9. How do you prefer to spend your free time?


Ответ дал: dasha130239

Ответ:at, for,on, in, at







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