1) Bill ... ( not/water) flowers yesterday, he ...( watch) TV; 2) .... the Johns .... ( clean ) their house last Friday? 3) Where ... you...(go) last summer? 4) Mary ...( not/listen to) the radio two days ago. 5) He ... ( play) football with his friends yesterday. 6) I ...( watch) TV two days ago. 7) Bill ...( stay) in Rome last month. 8) He... ( smile) and went away. 9) She ...( shop) with Julia last Friday. 10) Mike ...( tidy) his room three days ago. Помоги пожалуйста даю 20 балов заранее спасибо ​


Ответ дал: vda99


1) Bill didn't water flowers yesterday, he watched TV;

2) Did the Johns clean their house last Friday?

3) Where did you go last summer?

4) Mary didn't listen to the radio two days ago.

5) He played football with his friends yesterday.

6) I watched TV two days ago.

7) Bill stayed in Rome last month.

8) He smiled and went away.

9) She shopped with Julia last Friday.

10) Mike tidied his room three days ago.


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