Заполните пропуски формами глагола , запишите полные предложения. Значения незнакомых слов найдите в словаре.

1. Fill in was or were

1. The pirates _ _ _ _ on the pirate ship.

2. Their parrot _ _ _ _ with them too.

3. The ship _ _ _ _ in the harbor- ready to sail.

4. Two of the pirates _ _ _ _ girls.

5. There _ _ _ _a black flag flying on the ship.

2. Fill in was or wasn’t

1. The captain of the ship _ _ _ _ _ _ ready yet.

2. There _ _ _ _ _ _ enough food on board.

3. All the pirates _ _ _ _ _ _ in their cabins either.

4. The girl pirate _ _ _ _ _ _ scared at all.

5. Last year the gold _ _ _ _ _ _ on the island they

3. Fill in was or were

1. _ _ _ _ you ready for adventure too?

2. _ _ _ _your bag packed and your passport ready?

3. _ _ _ _ your best friend a pirate too?

4. _ _ _ _ your best friend ready to search for gold?

5. _ _ _ _ the pirates ready to sail?


Ответ дал: kisslist


1) Fill in was or were.

1. were.

2. was.

3. was.

4. were.

5. was.

2) Fill in was or wasn't.

1. wasn't.

2. was.

3. was.

4. wasn't.

5. was.

3) Fill in was or were.

1. were.

2. was.

3. was.

4. was.

5. were.

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