
2 Choose the correct word.
1 I don't want anything/anybody to eat, thanks.
2 Suzie lives something/ somewhere near the
park, I think
3 We went to David's place but there was no one /
nowhere at home.
4 Can you meet me? I've got something/nothing
important to tell you.
5 I'm on my own today. Everyone / Anyone has
gone out
6 can't find my keys nowhere / anywhere.​


Ответ дал: 151248990

Ответ:1. I don't want anything to eat, thanks.

2.Suzie lives somewhere near the Park, I think

3. We went to David's place was no oneat home

4. Can you meet me? I've got something important to tell you

5. I'm on myowm today. Everyone has gone out

6. Can't find my Keys nowhere


zhasmin01022008: спасибо!!!
Аноним: cnc nomor
Аноним: eto angliskaR packladka, mHe meHRtb leHb
dilfat96: thank
Аноним: спосибо
Аноним: спс
Вас заинтересует