Open the brackets using the Past Simple tense.(Помогите пожалуйста очень надо?????)))
1 They...(travel) around the world last year.
2 .......(Mary/play)board games with her sister yesterday?
3We....(not/like) the book,but Mary....(like) it.
4 Last summer we....(live) in Moscow.
5 Jim....(celebrate) her Birthday last year.
6 .......(sarah/dance) in the club two weeks ago?
7 I.....(not/wash) the floor yesterday because I was busy.
8........(you/stay)in this hotel when you were in London?
9 Before Christmas we ....(decorate)the house.
10 Mike .....(not/do) his English homework last week.
11 Granny.....(clean) the window last spring.
12 Mother....(cook) soup and chicken yesterday.
13 ......(she/buy)a present for her mother yesterday.
14 They ......(not/eat) the cake during the party last week.
15......(you/do) your homework yesterday?


Ответ дал: mvertaletcka


1.  traveled

2. Did Mary play

3. didn`t like/liked

4. lived

5. celebrated

6. Did Sarah dance

7. i didn`t wash

8. Did you stay

9. decorated

10. didn`t do

11. cleaned

12. cooked

13. She bought

14. didn`t eat

15. Did you do


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