Активизация разделительных вопросов
1.She looks like you,...?
2.It is not cold today,..?
3.We shall see you tomorrow,...?
4.They are hot in town,...?
5.He cannot speak Frenchman,...?
6.You saw him at the club yesterday,...?
7.Americans are punctual,...?
8.People have different habits,...?
9.It was a nice day,...?
10.You will not go to school tomorrow,...?
11.Rashid bought a new car last week,...?
12.She has already cleaned her shoes,...?


Ответ дал: justonegrib


1. Doesn't she?

2. Is it?

3. Shan't we?

4. Are they?

5. Can we?

6. Didn't you?

7. Aren't they?

8. Haven't they?

9. Wasn't it?

10. Will you?

11. Didn't he?

12. Hasn't she?


Все легко: если в предложении утверждение - в 'хвостик' ставим отрицание, и наоборот :)

Вас заинтересует