1. My brother is ______ than me.
a) more taller
b) taller
c) tallest
2. The Talas river is ______ than Besh-Tash river.
a) long
b) longer
c) longest

 3. Today the weather is ________ than yesterday.
a) warm
b) more warm
c) warmer

4. Toms new car is _______ than the old car.
a) expensive
b) more expensive
c) the expensivest

5. We think Mathematics are _____ than English.
a) more difficult
b) difficult
c)the difficultest

6. Our dogs are _______ than Anns dog.
a) old
b) older
c) more old

7. Spain is ______ than Russia.
a) hot
b) hotter
c) more hotter

 8. My bag is _______ all bags in the classroom.
a) the easy
b) the easiest
c)most easiest

 9. Kyrgyzstan is ______ country in the world.
a) the most beautiful
b) beautifulest
c) more beautiful

10. How can you translate that adjectives into to Kyrgyz?

strong, respect,polite.

Можете помочь? Пожалуйста ❤️


Ответ дал: mckowalski



1 taller

2 longer

3 warmer

4 more expensive

5 more difficult

6 older

7 hotter

8 the easiest

9 the most beautiful

Ответ дал: twiundertale


1. b

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. b

8. b

9. a

10. күчтүү, сыйлоо, сылык

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